
  • Hong Kong Book Fair 2024 - "One minute with" artist Irene Flanhardt, click here
  • 香港書展2024: 穿梭120年- 搭叮叮背後的120件事, click here
  • 「香港電車 120 年 x 攝影技巧分享會」at Canon Image Square, click here
  • BBC Travel Show - Hong Kong: The ever-changing city broadcast on 14.10.2023 (Irene's part begins at 5:16), click here
  • 一步一腳印「與履同行」 講述鞋履背後的人生故事 published on 5/9.2023, click here
  • Wen Wei Po article, Irene Flanhardt「與履同行」講述鞋履背後的人生故事 published on 3/9.2023, click here
  • BBC World News "Only double-decker tram service in the world (Hong Kong, China)" broadcast on 6.8.2018, click here
  • Ta Kung Pao article '黄曼玲追踪电车著新书' published on 1.8.2018, click here
  • HK01 article「書展2018 - 藝術家貼地追蹤電車三年 - 結集出書盼港人共鳴」 published on 23.7.2018, click here
  • BBC News Chinese 「2018 香港書展人物: 24 小時追「叮叮」的電車迷黃曼玲」broadcast on 19.7.2018, click here
  • China Southern Airlines Inflight Magazine "Gateway" article "Hong Kong: Following Trams in 24 Hours" July 2017 Issue
  • RTHK program 「光影無限Like - 攝影」broadcast on 9.10.2016
  • Localiiz article "Stunning New Exhibition Peeks Behind the Curtain of Chinese Opera" published on 30.9.2016, click here
  • Next Plus article「追蹤電車頭尾班車 深入車廠揭秘」published on 31.8.2016
  • Localiiz article "INTERVIEW: Following Trams With Irene Flanhardt" published on 9.10.2015, click here
  • Time Out article "Ring-a-ding-ding" published on 22.9.2015, click here
  • Commercial Radio article 「攝影師追蹤電車分享電車故事」 published on 11.9.2015
  • Localiiz article "New Photo Exhibition Captures the Charm of Tai O" published on 30.6.2015, click here
  • Face Magazine article 沒圖沒真相 - 世界市集奇觀 published on 31.3.2015, click here
  • Wen Wei Po article「市集」, 展現珍貴的平凡場景 published on 16.3.2015, click here
  • Hong Kong Airlines "Aspire" November 2014 issue "Capturing the Fishing Village" 水鄉之情, click here
  • Hong Kong Economic Times article "Irene Flanhardt 用攝影活出大澳質感" published on 18.10.2014, click here
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